Mountain Valley

Jennifer Wortman


There’s a mountain called a valley and a valley called a mountain and a mountain called a mountain and a valley called nothing and a mountain is a valley and a valley is a mountain and a mountain is a mountain and a valley’s everything.
There’s a father who’s my father who’s a father father father and this father said his mother would surely live for more more years. But this mother of my father who’s a mother of a father who’s a father father father didn’t live for more more years. I’m the daughter of this father who’s the father who’s my father and this daughter thinks her dad will surely live for more more years. There’s a daughter who’s my daughter and this daughter has a brother and this brother brother brother brother brother blessed mummies. And the brother of the daughter who’s the daughter of the mother said he hoped the mummies mummies mummies mummies had good lives. And the daughter of the mother who’s the mother of the brother said she hoped the mummies mummies felt so peaceful when they died. Then that daughter said she knows she won’t feel peaceful when she dies.
There’s a birth that is a life that is a light that is a might that is a maybe that’s a sure thing that’s my sure thing that is death. There’s a daughter who’s my daughter. Daughter wants to be a mother. There’s my son who’s her brother. Brother wants to be a dad. There’s a daughter who’s a mother of a brother of her daughter and this mom says “daughter brother live forever more more years.”
There’s a mountain called a valley and a valley called a mountain and a mountain called a mountain and a valley called a whore. And the mountain calls the valley and the valley calls the mountain and the mountain calls the mountain and the valley roars “more more.”                                                                                     Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae. Nulla eu pretium massa. Aenean eu justo sed elit dignissim aliquam. Aenean eu justo sed elit dignissim aliquam. Vivamus a ante congue, porta nunc nec, hendrerit turpis.

Jennifer Wortman’s work has been or will be published in The Normal School, North American Review, Columbia Journal, Confrontation, PANK, Southeast Review, DIAGRAM, River Teeth’s Beautiful Things, and elsewhere. She is an associate fiction editor for Colorado Review and an instructor at Lighthouse Writers Workshop in Denver.